Learn, lead, succeed!

Get one step closer to your favorite college, scholarship, or your future career. Explore and navigate new digital skills, and internship experiences while collaborating with an amazing network of global youth leaders.

Learn, lead, succeed!

Get one step closer to your favorite college, scholarship, or your future career. Explore and navigate new digital skills, and internship experiences while collaborating with an amazing network of global leaders.

Global network of youth


Your future is all set with Nobel! We are an international network of bright young minds, all connected to build skills, make friends, and lead the way in the digital age with empathy. We’re built BY youth and FOR youth. Nobel is a unique, fun and friendly space for you to choose your own learning journey and get involved with diverse projects, mastering the essential skills for your global career. 

Here’s what makes Nobel awesome:

Global youth

Project Learning




Flexible schedule

Our youth's stories



Lagos, Nigeria

My time at Nobel has offered me the opportunity to develop valuable skills like collaboration, communication, leadership, networking, and attention to detail while working on various projects. Nobel internship encourages active participation with hands-on experience in a supportive environment, which has helped an introvert such as myself step up and embrace my full potential. Also, collaborating with the talented professionals at Nobel has been empowering; I have been able to expand my knowledge, embrace challenges, and strive for excellence.



Kathmandu, Nepal

My journey started with high suspicion and low energy, but as I went along Nobel’s Internship pathway, I met a plethora of people from different corners of the world, bagged a dozen essential skills, and most importantly, became a leader!

The program has benefited me in uncountable ways, frequently encouraging me to get out of my comfort zone and discover new sides of myself. Interacting with dozens of people, working on exciting projects with multinational teams, and presenting in front of the entire global community, a socially-anxious and timid boy became a confident and apt person!

Nobel has showered me with a myriad of opportunities and it has room for thousands! To anyone looking for a flexible and fruitful opportunity to better yourself, network globally, and create fun memories, Nobel is your chance!



Almaty, Kazakhstan

Nobel has been a transformative experience, helping me see myself as a global leader and fostering my creativity. It provided opportunities to work in amazing teams, connect with talented individuals worldwide, and be part of a global community driving positive change.

Through Nobel, I not only enhance my own skills but also contribute to nurturing the next generation of global leaders in Kazakhstan. Together, we strive to make a difference and create a world where positive change knows no boundaries.



Odesa, Ukraine

For me, Nobel was an accident that completely turned my life around. I saw an advert for an internship and decided to give it a try. At the first meetings, I was very tentative and could hardly speak English, but I was surprised to find that I was treated very well. With each stage of my course I spoke more and more confidently, and I made wonderful friends all over the world who supported me. Nobel became a place for me to learn the most important skills in life – soft skills, and now Nobel gives me the opportunity to learn hard skills in my field of project management.



New Delhi, India

Embarking on Nobel’s Internship journey, I met people from all over and learned essential skills, unlocking my inner leader. The program pushed me out of my comfort zone, I discovered new aspects of myself and unleashed my creativity. From collaborating on exciting projects to presenting to the global community, I gained confidence every day. Nobel provided opportunities for personal growth, global connections, and unforgettable experiences. And the journey continues!



Istanbul, Turkey

When I first joined Nobel, I honestly didn’t know what to expect. I just kept on with it until I found the gem in it. Fast-forward to today: I have new experiences, a strong network and so much fun along the way. Once again, I realized the importance of soft skills thanks to Nobel. Definitely the best decision I made last year!



Lagos, Nigeria

At first, I just wanted to start a freelancing career and get a job, so I applied for the Nobel Internship. At the beginning, I was nervous because I’m black, and it’s my first time being in meetings and teams with white people, and I was worried it might get difficult. But no, Nobel turned out to be a big family with people from different races who learn, lead and have FUN together. Right now, I have no fear of being a leader and evolving with the world.



Karachi, Pakistan

My journey at Nobel Navigators has been truly amazing. 

Ever since I joined Nobel in August 2023, I can definitely say that now I don’t feel unproductive anymore because the opportunities that Nobel has provided me have really enhanced my skills. Through Nobel, I have grown not just as a professional but as a person too. Moreover, what I have discovered in Nobel was the people of my interest and the diversity, which was absolutely a great contributor to building up my social skills along with technical skills.

One of the highlights of my career at Nobel was when I joined the Networking course. This experience was particularly rewarding as it provided me with exceptional skills, and the leadership was invaluable.

Over time, I’ve had the privilege of working on a variety of challenging projects. Each project pushed the boundaries of my capabilities, allowing me to acquire new expertise with the support of Nobel mentors, team leads and teammates.

As I continue my journey at Nobel, I am grateful for the experiences that have shaped my career and my character. I am looking forward to carrying forward these learnings into my future endeavors.



Johannesburg, South Africa

My journey in Nobel has been nothing short of transformative. From day one, I was challenged to step out of my comfort zone and embrace growth opportunities. Through supportive mentorship and immersive experiences, I learned to conquer my fears of speaking out and discovered the power of my voice. 


Nobel provided a platform for me to develop my public speaking skills, allowing me to confidently share my ideas and perspectives with others. Alongside these invaluable lessons, I gained a wealth of practical skills and hands-on experiences that have profoundly shaped my personal and professional journey.


 As I reflect on my time with Nobel, I am grateful for the profound impact it has had on my confidence, communication abilities, and overall growth. My wisdom and self-assurance have evolved significantly since joining this vibrant community, and I am excited to continue my journey with newfound courage and conviction.